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Introduction to glued insulated rail joint

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Introduction to glued insulated rail joint

A glued insulated rail joint is a specialized rail joint designed to connect steel rails and rail fish plates using a unique adhesive and insulated cloth. This type of rail joint offers notable features, including high strength, effective insulation, long service life, minimal maintenance requirements, and overall reliability.

Rail joints, also known as rail fish plates, are crucial components used to connect the ends of two rails. There are different types of rail joints, include common rail joints and compromise joint bars. Insulated rail joints are designed to insulate the rail within the track circuit, and the adhesive-insulated rail joint falls into this category.

Applications of Glued Insulated Rail Joint

Replacement of Conventional Cleat Insulator

The glued insulated rail joint is commonly used to replace regular cleat insulators. This application is especially relevant when seeking improved performance or when conventional insulators are in need of an upgrade.

Repairing Torn Down or Damaged Glued Cleat Insulators

In cases where glued cleat insulators have been torn or damaged, the glued insulated rail joint serves as a practical solution for repairs, restoring proper functionality.

Addressing Poor Insulating Properties

When the insulation properties of glued cleat insulators are insufficient, the glued insulated rail joint becomes a valuable tool for improving insulation characteristics, ensuring the reliable functioning of the rail circuit.